
/* [<][>]
[^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following functions.
  1. BlitNto1SurfaceAlpha
  2. BlitNto1PixelAlpha
  3. BlitNto1SurfaceAlphaKey
  4. BlitRGBtoRGBSurfaceAlpha
  5. BlitRGBtoRGBPixelAlpha
  6. Blit565to565SurfaceAlpha
  7. Blit555to555SurfaceAlpha
  8. BlitARGBto565PixelAlpha
  9. BlitARGBto555PixelAlpha
  10. BlitNtoNSurfaceAlpha
  11. BlitNtoNSurfaceAlphaKey
  12. BlitNtoNPixelAlpha
  13. SDL_CalculateAlphaBlit

   1 /*
   2     SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
   3     Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001  Sam Lantinga
   5     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   6     modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   7     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   8     version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  10     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13     Library General Public License for more details.
  15     You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
  16     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
  17     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
  19     Sam Lantinga
  21 */
  23 #ifdef SAVE_RCSID
  24 static char rcsid =
  25  "@(#) $Id: SDL_blit_A.c,v 2001/03/04 17:36:19 hercules Exp $";
  26 #endif
  28 #include <stdio.h>
  30 #include "SDL_types.h"
  31 #include "SDL_video.h"
  32 #include "SDL_blit.h"
  34 /* Functions to perform alpha blended blitting */
  36 /* N->1 blending with per-surface alpha */
  37 static void BlitNto1SurfaceAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
  38 {
  39         int width = info->d_width;
  40         int height = info->d_height;
  41         Uint8 *src = info->s_pixels;
  42         int srcskip = info->s_skip;
  43         Uint8 *dst = info->d_pixels;
  44         int dstskip = info->d_skip;
  45         Uint8 *palmap = info->table;
  46         SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt = info->src;
  47         SDL_PixelFormat *dstfmt = info->dst;
  48         int srcbpp = srcfmt->BytesPerPixel;
  50         const unsigned A = srcfmt->alpha;
  52         while ( height-- ) {
  53             DUFFS_LOOP4(
  54             {
  55                 Uint32 pixel;
  56                 unsigned sR;
  57                 unsigned sG;
  58                 unsigned sB;
  59                 unsigned dR;
  60                 unsigned dG;
  61                 unsigned dB;
  62                 DISEMBLE_RGB(src, srcbpp, srcfmt, pixel, sR, sG, sB);
  63                 dR = dstfmt->palette->colors[*dst].r;
  64                 dG = dstfmt->palette->colors[*dst].g;
  65                 dB = dstfmt->palette->colors[*dst].b;
  66                 ALPHA_BLEND(sR, sG, sB, A, dR, dG, dB);
  67                 dR &= 0xff;
  68                 dG &= 0xff;
  69                 dB &= 0xff;
  70                 /* Pack RGB into 8bit pixel */
  71                 if ( palmap == NULL ) {
  72                     *dst =((dR>>5)<<(3+2))|
  73                           ((dG>>5)<<(2))|
  74                           ((dB>>6)<<(0));
  75                 } else {
  76                     *dst = palmap[((dR>>5)<<(3+2))|
  77                                   ((dG>>5)<<(2))  |
  78                                   ((dB>>6)<<(0))];
  79                 }
  80                 dst++;
  81                 src += srcbpp;
  82             },
  83             width);
  84             src += srcskip;
  85             dst += dstskip;
  86         }
  87 }
  89 /* N->1 blending with pixel alpha */
  90 static void BlitNto1PixelAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
  91 {
  92         int width = info->d_width;
  93         int height = info->d_height;
  94         Uint8 *src = info->s_pixels;
  95         int srcskip = info->s_skip;
  96         Uint8 *dst = info->d_pixels;
  97         int dstskip = info->d_skip;
  98         Uint8 *palmap = info->table;
  99         SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt = info->src;
 100         SDL_PixelFormat *dstfmt = info->dst;
 101         int srcbpp = srcfmt->BytesPerPixel;
 103         /* FIXME: fix alpha bit field expansion here too? */
 104         while ( height-- ) {
 105             DUFFS_LOOP4(
 106             {
 107                 Uint32 pixel;
 108                 unsigned sR;
 109                 unsigned sG;
 110                 unsigned sB;
 111                 unsigned sA;
 112                 unsigned dR;
 113                 unsigned dG;
 114                 unsigned dB;
 115                 DISEMBLE_RGBA(src,srcbpp,srcfmt,pixel,sR,sG,sB,sA);
 116                 dR = dstfmt->palette->colors[*dst].r;
 117                 dG = dstfmt->palette->colors[*dst].g;
 118                 dB = dstfmt->palette->colors[*dst].b;
 119                 ALPHA_BLEND(sR, sG, sB, sA, dR, dG, dB);
 120                 dR &= 0xff;
 121                 dG &= 0xff;
 122                 dB &= 0xff;
 123                 /* Pack RGB into 8bit pixel */
 124                 if ( palmap == NULL ) {
 125                     *dst =((dR>>5)<<(3+2))|
 126                           ((dG>>5)<<(2))|
 127                           ((dB>>6)<<(0));
 128                 } else {
 129                     *dst = palmap[((dR>>5)<<(3+2))|
 130                                   ((dG>>5)<<(2))  |
 131                                   ((dB>>6)<<(0))  ];
 132                 }
 133                 dst++;
 134                 src += srcbpp;
 135             },
 136             width);
 137             src += srcskip;
 138             dst += dstskip;
 139         }
 140 }
 142 /* colorkeyed N->1 blending with per-surface alpha */
 143 static void BlitNto1SurfaceAlphaKey(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 144 {
 145         int width = info->d_width;
 146         int height = info->d_height;
 147         Uint8 *src = info->s_pixels;
 148         int srcskip = info->s_skip;
 149         Uint8 *dst = info->d_pixels;
 150         int dstskip = info->d_skip;
 151         Uint8 *palmap = info->table;
 152         SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt = info->src;
 153         SDL_PixelFormat *dstfmt = info->dst;
 154         int srcbpp = srcfmt->BytesPerPixel;
 155         Uint32 ckey = srcfmt->colorkey;
 157         const int A = srcfmt->alpha;
 159         while ( height-- ) {
 160             DUFFS_LOOP(
 161             {
 162                 Uint32 pixel;
 163                 unsigned sR;
 164                 unsigned sG;
 165                 unsigned sB;
 166                 unsigned dR;
 167                 unsigned dG;
 168                 unsigned dB;
 169                 DISEMBLE_RGB(src, srcbpp, srcfmt, pixel, sR, sG, sB);
 170                 if ( pixel != ckey ) {
 171                     dR = dstfmt->palette->colors[*dst].r;
 172                     dG = dstfmt->palette->colors[*dst].g;
 173                     dB = dstfmt->palette->colors[*dst].b;
 174                     ALPHA_BLEND(sR, sG, sB, A, dR, dG, dB);
 175                     dR &= 0xff;
 176                     dG &= 0xff;
 177                     dB &= 0xff;
 178                     /* Pack RGB into 8bit pixel */
 179                     if ( palmap == NULL ) {
 180                         *dst =((dR>>5)<<(3+2))|
 181                               ((dG>>5)<<(2)) |
 182                               ((dB>>6)<<(0));
 183                     } else {
 184                         *dst = palmap[((dR>>5)<<(3+2))|
 185                                       ((dG>>5)<<(2))  |
 186                                       ((dB>>6)<<(0))  ];
 187                     }
 188                 }
 189                 dst++;
 190                 src += srcbpp;
 191             },
 192             width);
 193             src += srcskip;
 194             dst += dstskip;
 195         }
 196 }
 198 /* fast RGB888->(A)RGB888 blending with surface alpha */
 199 static void BlitRGBtoRGBSurfaceAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 200 {
 201         int width = info->d_width;
 202         int height = info->d_height;
 203         Uint32 *srcp = (Uint32 *)info->s_pixels;
 204         int srcskip = info->s_skip >> 2;
 205         Uint32 *dstp = (Uint32 *)info->d_pixels;
 206         int dstskip = info->d_skip >> 2;
 207         SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt = info->src;
 208         unsigned alpha = srcfmt->alpha;
 210         while(height--) {
 211             DUFFS_LOOP4({
 212                 Uint32 s;
 213                 Uint32 d;
 214                 Uint32 s1;
 215                 Uint32 d1;
 216                 s = *srcp;
 217                 d = *dstp;
 218                 s1 = s & 0xff00ff;
 219                 d1 = d & 0xff00ff;
 220                 d1 = (d1 + ((s1 - d1) * alpha >> 8)) & 0xff00ff;
 221                 s &= 0xff00;
 222                 d &= 0xff00;
 223                 d = (d + ((s - d) * alpha >> 8)) & 0xff00;
 224                 *dstp = d1 | d | 0xff000000;
 225                 ++srcp;
 226                 ++dstp;
 227             }, width);
 228             srcp += srcskip;
 229             dstp += dstskip;
 230         }
 231 }
 233 /* fast ARGB888->(A)RGB888 blending with pixel alpha */
 234 static void BlitRGBtoRGBPixelAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 235 {
 236         int width = info->d_width;
 237         int height = info->d_height;
 238         Uint32 *srcp = (Uint32 *)info->s_pixels;
 239         int srcskip = info->s_skip >> 2;
 240         Uint32 *dstp = (Uint32 *)info->d_pixels;
 241         int dstskip = info->d_skip >> 2;
 243         while(height--) {
 244             DUFFS_LOOP4({
 245                 Uint32 dalpha;
 246                 Uint32 d;
 247                 Uint32 s1;
 248                 Uint32 d1;
 249                 Uint32 s = *srcp;
 250                 Uint32 alpha = s >> 24;
 251                 /* FIXME: Here we special-case opaque alpha since the
 252                    compositioning used (>>8 instead of /255) doesn't handle
 253                    it correctly. Also special-case alpha=0 for speed?
 254                    Benchmark this! */
 255                 if(alpha == SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE) {
 256                     *dstp = (s & 0x00ffffff) | (*dstp & 0xff000000);
 257                 } else {
 258                     /*
 259                      * take out the middle component (green), and process
 260                      * the other two in parallel. One multiply less.
 261                      */
 262                     d = *dstp;
 263                     dalpha = d & 0xff000000;
 264                     s1 = s & 0xff00ff;
 265                     d1 = d & 0xff00ff;
 266                     d1 = (d1 + ((s1 - d1) * alpha >> 8)) & 0xff00ff;
 267                     s &= 0xff00;
 268                     d &= 0xff00;
 269                     d = (d + ((s - d) * alpha >> 8)) & 0xff00;
 270                     *dstp = d1 | d | dalpha;
 271                 }
 272                 ++srcp;
 273                 ++dstp;
 274             }, width);
 275             srcp += srcskip;
 276             dstp += dstskip;
 277         }
 278 }
 280 /* fast RGB565->RGB565 blending with surface alpha */
 281 static void Blit565to565SurfaceAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 282 {
 283         int width = info->d_width;
 284         int height = info->d_height;
 285         Uint16 *srcp = (Uint16 *)info->s_pixels;
 286         int srcskip = info->s_skip >> 1;
 287         Uint16 *dstp = (Uint16 *)info->d_pixels;
 288         int dstskip = info->d_skip >> 1;
 289         unsigned alpha = info->src->alpha >> 3; /* downscale alpha to 5 bits */
 291         while(height--) {
 292             DUFFS_LOOP4({
 293                 Uint32 s = *srcp++;
 294                 Uint32 d = *dstp;
 295                 /*
 296                  * shift out the middle component (green) to the high 16
 297                  * bits, and process all three RGB components at the same
 298                  * time.
 299                  */
 300                 s = (s | s << 16) & 0x07e0f81f;
 301                 d = (d | d << 16) & 0x07e0f81f;
 302                 d += (s - d) * alpha >> 5;
 303                 d &= 0x07e0f81f;
 304                 *dstp++ = d | d >> 16;
 305             }, width);
 306             srcp += srcskip;
 307             dstp += dstskip;
 308         }
 309 }
 311 /* fast RGB555->RGB555 blending with surface alpha */
 312 static void Blit555to555SurfaceAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 313 {
 314         int width = info->d_width;
 315         int height = info->d_height;
 316         Uint16 *srcp = (Uint16 *)info->s_pixels;
 317         int srcskip = info->s_skip >> 1;
 318         Uint16 *dstp = (Uint16 *)info->d_pixels;
 319         int dstskip = info->d_skip >> 1;
 320         unsigned alpha = info->src->alpha >> 3; /* downscale alpha to 5 bits */
 322         while(height--) {
 323             DUFFS_LOOP4({
 324                 Uint32 s = *srcp++;
 325                 Uint32 d = *dstp;
 326                 /*
 327                  * shift out the middle component (green) to the high 16
 328                  * bits, and process all three RGB components at the same
 329                  * time.
 330                  */
 331                 s = (s | s << 16) & 0x03e07c1f;
 332                 d = (d | d << 16) & 0x03e07c1f;
 333                 d += (s - d) * alpha >> 5;
 334                 d &= 0x03e07c1f;
 335                 *dstp++ = d | d >> 16;
 336             }, width);
 337             srcp += srcskip;
 338             dstp += dstskip;
 339         }
 340 }
 342 /* fast ARGB8888->RGB565 blending with pixel alpha */
 343 static void BlitARGBto565PixelAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 344 {
 345         int width = info->d_width;
 346         int height = info->d_height;
 347         Uint32 *srcp = (Uint32 *)info->s_pixels;
 348         int srcskip = info->s_skip >> 2;
 349         Uint16 *dstp = (Uint16 *)info->d_pixels;
 350         int dstskip = info->d_skip >> 1;
 352         while(height--) {
 353             DUFFS_LOOP4({
 354                 Uint32 s = *srcp;
 355                 unsigned alpha = s >> 27; /* downscale alpha to 5 bits */
 356                 /* FIXME: Here we special-case opaque alpha since the
 357                    compositioning used (>>8 instead of /255) doesn't handle
 358                    it correctly. Also special-case alpha=0 for speed?
 359                    Benchmark this! */
 360                 if(alpha == (SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE >> 3)) {
 361                     *dstp = (s >> 8 & 0xf800) + (s >> 5 & 0x7e0)
 362                           + (s >> 3  & 0x1f);
 363                 } else {
 364                     Uint32 d = *dstp;
 365                     /*
 366                      * convert source and destination to G0RAB65565
 367                      * and blend all components at the same time
 368                      */
 369                     s = ((s & 0xfc00) << 11) + (s >> 8 & 0xf800)
 370                       + (s >> 3 & 0x1f);
 371                     d = (d | d << 16) & 0x07e0f81f;
 372                     d += (s - d) * alpha >> 5;
 373                     d &= 0x07e0f81f;
 374                     *dstp = d | d >> 16;
 375                 }
 376                 srcp++;
 377                 dstp++;
 378             }, width);
 379             srcp += srcskip;
 380             dstp += dstskip;
 381         }
 382 }
 384 /* fast ARGB8888->RGB555 blending with pixel alpha */
 385 static void BlitARGBto555PixelAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 386 {
 387         int width = info->d_width;
 388         int height = info->d_height;
 389         Uint32 *srcp = (Uint32 *)info->s_pixels;
 390         int srcskip = info->s_skip >> 2;
 391         Uint16 *dstp = (Uint16 *)info->d_pixels;
 392         int dstskip = info->d_skip >> 1;
 394         while(height--) {
 395             DUFFS_LOOP4({
 396                 unsigned alpha;
 397                 Uint32 s = *srcp;
 398                 alpha = s >> 27; /* downscale alpha to 5 bits */
 399                 /* FIXME: Here we special-case opaque alpha since the
 400                    compositioning used (>>8 instead of /255) doesn't handle
 401                    it correctly. Also special-case alpha=0 for speed?
 402                    Benchmark this! */
 403                 if(alpha == (SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE >> 3)) {
 404                     *dstp = (s >> 9 & 0x7c00) + (s >> 6 & 0x3e0)
 405                           + (s >> 3  & 0x1f);
 406                 } else {
 407                     Uint32 d = *dstp;
 408                     /*
 409                      * convert source and destination to G0RAB65565
 410                      * and blend all components at the same time
 411                      */
 412                     s = ((s & 0xf800) << 10) + (s >> 9 & 0x7c00)
 413                       + (s >> 3 & 0x1f);
 414                     d = (d | d << 16) & 0x03e07c1f;
 415                     d += (s - d) * alpha >> 5;
 416                     d &= 0x03e07c1f;
 417                     *dstp = d | d >> 16;
 418                 }
 419                 srcp++;
 420                 dstp++;
 421             }, width);
 422             srcp += srcskip;
 423             dstp += dstskip;
 424         }
 425 }
 427 /* General (slow) N->N blending with per-surface alpha */
 428 static void BlitNtoNSurfaceAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 429 {
 430         int width = info->d_width;
 431         int height = info->d_height;
 432         Uint8 *src = info->s_pixels;
 433         int srcskip = info->s_skip;
 434         Uint8 *dst = info->d_pixels;
 435         int dstskip = info->d_skip;
 436         SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt = info->src;
 437         SDL_PixelFormat *dstfmt = info->dst;
 438         int srcbpp = srcfmt->BytesPerPixel;
 439         int dstbpp = dstfmt->BytesPerPixel;
 440         unsigned sA = srcfmt->alpha;
 441         unsigned dA = dstfmt->Amask ? SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE : 0;
 443         while ( height-- ) {
 444             DUFFS_LOOP4(
 445             {
 446                 Uint32 pixel;
 447                 unsigned sR;
 448                 unsigned sG;
 449                 unsigned sB;
 450                 unsigned dR;
 451                 unsigned dG;
 452                 unsigned dB;
 453                 DISEMBLE_RGB(src, srcbpp, srcfmt, pixel, sR, sG, sB);
 454                 DISEMBLE_RGB(dst, dstbpp, dstfmt, pixel, dR, dG, dB);
 455                 ALPHA_BLEND(sR, sG, sB, sA, dR, dG, dB);
 456                 ASSEMBLE_RGBA(dst, dstbpp, dstfmt, dR, dG, dB, dA);
 457                 src += srcbpp;
 458                 dst += dstbpp;
 459             },
 460             width);
 461             src += srcskip;
 462             dst += dstskip;
 463         }
 464 }
 466 /* General (slow) colorkeyed N->N blending with per-surface alpha */
 467 static void BlitNtoNSurfaceAlphaKey(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 468 {
 469         int width = info->d_width;
 470         int height = info->d_height;
 471         Uint8 *src = info->s_pixels;
 472         int srcskip = info->s_skip;
 473         Uint8 *dst = info->d_pixels;
 474         int dstskip = info->d_skip;
 475         SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt = info->src;
 476         SDL_PixelFormat *dstfmt = info->dst;
 477         Uint32 ckey = srcfmt->colorkey;
 478         int srcbpp = srcfmt->BytesPerPixel;
 479         int dstbpp = dstfmt->BytesPerPixel;
 480         unsigned sA = srcfmt->alpha;
 481         unsigned dA = dstfmt->Amask ? SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE : 0;
 483         while ( height-- ) {
 484             DUFFS_LOOP4(
 485             {
 486                 Uint32 pixel;
 487                 unsigned sR;
 488                 unsigned sG;
 489                 unsigned sB;
 490                 unsigned dR;
 491                 unsigned dG;
 492                 unsigned dB;
 493                 RETRIEVE_RGB_PIXEL(src, srcbpp, pixel);
 494                 if(pixel != ckey) {
 495                     RGB_FROM_PIXEL(pixel, srcfmt, sR, sG, sB);
 496                     DISEMBLE_RGB(dst, dstbpp, dstfmt, pixel, dR, dG, dB);
 497                     ALPHA_BLEND(sR, sG, sB, sA, dR, dG, dB);
 498                     ASSEMBLE_RGBA(dst, dstbpp, dstfmt, dR, dG, dB, dA);
 499                 }
 500                 src += srcbpp;
 501                 dst += dstbpp;
 502             },
 503             width);
 504             src += srcskip;
 505             dst += dstskip;
 506         }
 507 }
 509 /* General (slow) N->N blending with pixel alpha */
 510 static void BlitNtoNPixelAlpha(SDL_BlitInfo *info)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 511 {
 512         int width = info->d_width;
 513         int height = info->d_height;
 514         Uint8 *src = info->s_pixels;
 515         int srcskip = info->s_skip;
 516         Uint8 *dst = info->d_pixels;
 517         int dstskip = info->d_skip;
 518         SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt = info->src;
 519         SDL_PixelFormat *dstfmt = info->dst;
 521         int  srcbpp;
 522         int  dstbpp;
 524         /* Set up some basic variables */
 525         srcbpp = srcfmt->BytesPerPixel;
 526         dstbpp = dstfmt->BytesPerPixel;
 528         /* FIXME: for 8bpp source alpha, this doesn't get opaque values
 529            quite right. for <8bpp source alpha, it gets them very wrong
 530            (check all macros!)
 531            It is unclear whether there is a good general solution that doesn't
 532            need a branch (or a divide). */
 533         while ( height-- ) {
 534             DUFFS_LOOP4(
 535             {
 536                 Uint32 pixel;
 537                 unsigned sR;
 538                 unsigned sG;
 539                 unsigned sB;
 540                 unsigned dR;
 541                 unsigned dG;
 542                 unsigned dB;
 543                 unsigned sA;
 544                 unsigned dA;
 545                 DISEMBLE_RGBA(src, srcbpp, srcfmt, pixel, sR, sG, sB, sA);
 546                 DISEMBLE_RGBA(dst, dstbpp, dstfmt, pixel, dR, dG, dB, dA);
 547                 ALPHA_BLEND(sR, sG, sB, sA, dR, dG, dB);
 548                 ASSEMBLE_RGBA(dst, dstbpp, dstfmt, dR, dG, dB, dA);
 549                 src += srcbpp;
 550                 dst += dstbpp;
 551             },
 552             width);
 553             src += srcskip;
 554             dst += dstskip;
 555         }
 556 }
 559 SDL_loblit SDL_CalculateAlphaBlit(SDL_Surface *surface, int blit_index)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
 560 {
 561     SDL_PixelFormat *sf = surface->format;
 562     SDL_PixelFormat *df = surface->map->dst->format;
 564     if(sf->Amask == 0) {
 565         if((surface->flags & SDL_SRCCOLORKEY) == SDL_SRCCOLORKEY) {
 566             if(df->BytesPerPixel == 1)
 567                 return BlitNto1SurfaceAlphaKey;
 568             else
 569                 return BlitNtoNSurfaceAlphaKey;
 570         } else {
 571             /* Per-surface alpha blits */
 572             switch(df->BytesPerPixel) {
 573             case 1:
 574                 return BlitNto1SurfaceAlpha;
 576             case 2:
 577                 if(surface->map->identity) {
 578                     if(df->Gmask == 0x7e0)
 579                         return Blit565to565SurfaceAlpha;
 580                     else if(df->Gmask == 0x3e0)
 581                         return Blit555to555SurfaceAlpha;
 582                 }
 583                 return BlitNtoNSurfaceAlpha;
 585             case 4:
 586                 if(sf->Rmask == df->Rmask
 587                    && sf->Gmask == df->Gmask
 588                    && sf->Bmask == df->Bmask
 589                    && (sf->Rmask | sf->Gmask | sf->Bmask) == 0xffffff
 590                    && sf->BytesPerPixel == 4)
 591                     return BlitRGBtoRGBSurfaceAlpha;
 592                 else
 593                     return BlitNtoNSurfaceAlpha;
 595             case 3:
 596             default:
 597                 return BlitNtoNSurfaceAlpha;
 598             }
 599         }
 600     } else {
 601         /* Per-pixel alpha blits */
 602         switch(df->BytesPerPixel) {
 603         case 1:
 604             return BlitNto1PixelAlpha;
 606         case 2:
 607             if(sf->BytesPerPixel == 4 && sf->Amask == 0xff000000
 608                && sf->Gmask == 0xff00
 609                && ((sf->Rmask == 0xff && df->Rmask == 0x1f)
 610                    || (sf->Bmask == 0xff && df->Bmask == 0x1f))) {
 611                 if(df->Gmask == 0x7e0)
 612                     return BlitARGBto565PixelAlpha;
 613                 else if(df->Gmask == 0x3e0)
 614                     return BlitARGBto555PixelAlpha;
 615             }
 616             return BlitNtoNPixelAlpha;
 618         case 4:
 619             if(sf->Amask == 0xff000000
 620                && sf->Rmask == df->Rmask
 621                && sf->Gmask == df->Gmask
 622                && sf->Bmask == df->Bmask
 623                && sf->BytesPerPixel == 4)
 624                 return BlitRGBtoRGBPixelAlpha;
 625             return BlitNtoNPixelAlpha;
 627         case 3:
 628         default:
 629             return BlitNtoNPixelAlpha;
 630         }
 631     }
 632 }

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */