
/* [<][>]
[^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following functions.
  1. PrintStatus
  2. ListTracks
  3. PrintUsage
  4. main

   2 /* Test the SDL CD-ROM audio functions */
   4 #include <stdlib.h>
   5 #include <stdio.h>
   6 #include <ctype.h>
   8 #include "SDL.h"
  11 static void PrintStatus(int driveindex, SDL_CD *cdrom)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
  12 {
  13         CDstatus status;
  14         char *status_str;
  16         status = SDL_CDStatus(cdrom);
  17         switch (status) {
  18                 case CD_TRAYEMPTY:
  19                         status_str = "tray empty";
  20                         break;
  21                 case CD_STOPPED:
  22                         status_str = "stopped";
  23                         break;
  24                 case CD_PLAYING:
  25                         status_str = "playing";
  26                         break;
  27                 case CD_PAUSED:
  28                         status_str = "paused";
  29                         break;
  30                 case CD_ERROR:
  31                         status_str = "error state";
  32                         break;
  33         }
  34         printf("Drive %d status: %s\n", driveindex, status_str);
  35         if ( status >= CD_PLAYING ) {
  36                 int m, s, f;
  37                 FRAMES_TO_MSF(cdrom->cur_frame, &m, &s, &f);
  38                 printf("Currently playing track %d, %d:%2.2d\n",
  39                         cdrom->track[cdrom->cur_track].id, m, s);
  40         }
  41 }
  43 static void ListTracks(SDL_CD *cdrom)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
  44 {
  45         int i;
  46         int m, s, f;
  48         SDL_CDStatus(cdrom);
  49         printf("Drive tracks: %d\n", cdrom->numtracks);
  50         for ( i=0; i<cdrom->numtracks; ++i ) {
  51                 FRAMES_TO_MSF(cdrom->track[i].length, &m, &s, &f);
  52                 if ( f > 0 )
  53                         ++s;
  54                 printf("\tTrack (index %d) %d: %d:%2.2d\n", i,
  55                                         cdrom->track[i].id, m, s);
  56         }
  57 }
  59 static void PrintUsage(char *argv0)
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
  60 {
  61         fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [drive#] [command] [command] ...\n", argv0);
  62         fprintf(stderr, "Where 'command' is one of:\n");
  63         fprintf(stderr, "       -status\n");
  64         fprintf(stderr, "       -list\n");
  65         fprintf(stderr, "       -play [first_track] [first_frame] [num_tracks] [num_frames]\n");
  66         fprintf(stderr, "       -pause\n");
  67         fprintf(stderr, "       -resume\n");
  68         fprintf(stderr, "       -stop\n");
  69         fprintf(stderr, "       -eject\n");
  70         fprintf(stderr, "       -sleep <milliseconds>\n");
  71 }
  73 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
     /* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
  74 {
  75         int drive;
  76         int i;
  77         SDL_CD *cdrom;
  79         /* Initialize SDL first */
  80         if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_CDROM) < 0 ) {
  81                 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n",SDL_GetError());
  82                 exit(1);
  83         }
  84         atexit(SDL_Quit);
  86         /* Find out how many CD-ROM drives are connected to the system */
  87         if ( SDL_CDNumDrives() == 0 ) {
  88                 printf("No CD-ROM devices detected\n");
  89                 exit(0);
  90         }
  91         printf("Drives available: %d\n", SDL_CDNumDrives());
  92         for ( i=0; i<SDL_CDNumDrives(); ++i ) {
  93                 printf("Drive %d:  \"%s\"\n", i, SDL_CDName(i));
  94         }
  96         /* Open the CD-ROM */
  97         drive = 0;
  98         i=1;
  99         if ( argv[i] && isdigit(argv[i][0]) ) {
 100                 drive = atoi(argv[i++]);
 101         }
 102         cdrom = SDL_CDOpen(drive);
 103         if ( cdrom == NULL ) {
 104                 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open drive %d: %s\n", drive,
 105                                                         SDL_GetError());
 106                 exit(2);
 107         }
 108 #ifdef TEST_NULLCD
 109         cdrom = NULL;
 110 #endif
 112         /* Find out which function to perform */
 113         for ( ; argv[i]; ++i ) {
 114                 if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-status") == 0 ) {
 115                         /* PrintStatus(drive, cdrom); */
 116                 } else
 117                 if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-list") == 0 ) {
 118                         ListTracks(cdrom);
 119                 } else
 120                 if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-play") == 0 ) {
 121                         int strack, sframe;
 122                         int ntrack, nframe;
 124                         strack = 0;
 125                         if ( argv[i+1] && isdigit(argv[i+1][0]) ) {
 126                                 strack = atoi(argv[++i]);
 127                         }
 128                         sframe = 0;
 129                         if ( argv[i+1] && isdigit(argv[i+1][0]) ) {
 130                                 sframe = atoi(argv[++i]);
 131                         }
 132                         ntrack = 0;
 133                         if ( argv[i+1] && isdigit(argv[i+1][0]) ) {
 134                                 ntrack = atoi(argv[++i]);
 135                         }
 136                         nframe = 0;
 137                         if ( argv[i+1] && isdigit(argv[i+1][0]) ) {
 138                                 nframe = atoi(argv[++i]);
 139                         }
 140                         if ( CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(cdrom)) ) {
 141                                 if ( SDL_CDPlayTracks(cdrom, strack, sframe,
 142                                                         ntrack, nframe) < 0 ) {
 143                                         fprintf(stderr,
 144                         "Couldn't play tracks %d/%d for %d/%d: %s\n",
 145                                 strack, sframe, ntrack, nframe, SDL_GetError());
 146                                 }
 147                         } else {
 148                                 fprintf(stderr, "No CD in drive!\n");
 149                         }
 150                 } else
 151                 if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-pause") == 0 ) {
 152                         if ( SDL_CDPause(cdrom) < 0 ) {
 153                                 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't pause CD: %s\n",
 154                                                                 SDL_GetError());
 155                         }
 156                 } else
 157                 if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-resume") == 0 ) {
 158                         if ( SDL_CDResume(cdrom) < 0 ) {
 159                                 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't resume CD: %s\n",
 160                                                                 SDL_GetError());
 161                         }
 162                 } else
 163                 if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-stop") == 0 ) {
 164                         if ( SDL_CDStop(cdrom) < 0 ) {
 165                                 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't eject CD: %s\n",
 166                                                                 SDL_GetError());
 167                         }
 168                 } else
 169                 if ( strcmp(argv[i], "-eject") == 0 ) {
 170                         if ( SDL_CDEject(cdrom) < 0 ) {
 171                                 fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't eject CD: %s\n",
 172                                                                 SDL_GetError());
 173                         }
 174                 } else
 175                 if ( (strcmp(argv[i], "-sleep") == 0) &&
 176                                 (argv[i+1] && isdigit(argv[i+1][0])) ) {
 177                         SDL_Delay(atoi(argv[++i]));
 178                         printf("Delayed %d milliseconds\n", atoi(argv[i]));
 179                 } else {
 180                         PrintUsage(argv[0]);
 181                         SDL_CDClose(cdrom);
 182                         exit(1);
 183                 }
 184         }
 185         PrintStatus(drive, cdrom);
 186         SDL_CDClose(cdrom);
 188         return(0);
 189 }

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */